Showing posts with label Nia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nia. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Celebrating Friendships and Nia











We held a Nia Jam at Lark Toys, Happiness Event Center in Kellogg, Minnesota. Five Nia teachers Kathy, Sandra, Uma, MaryLee and Jacque came together to lead friends through a movement practice to listen to music and move to the music, enjoy and move the thirteen major joints of the body.

Miranda, Sandra and Uma, three of the teachers chatting together.

Uma leading her songs in the dance.  Back to us are Kathy, another teacher and Sandra.

Katie and Heather danced with us.


Miranda and Jacque both Nia teachers making faces and having fun!












Afterward we had some wonderful food at Lark and sharing in stories and catching up with each other's lives. We took some time to look at llamas and shop for amazing toys, gifts, clothing, and books. 



Mary Lee one of the Nia teachers.











Winnie & Ron 











Beautiful artwork on display along with a beautiful wooden carved carousel that children and adults can ride.


What an amazing a wonderful time to share.  Visit Lark Toys soon!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Nia and the Martial Arts Workshop

Saturday, February 8, 2020, 10:30am - noon, Mary Lee Eischen will lead a workshop about Nia and the Martial Arts.  Nia has nine movement forms within the practice.  Three in the Martial Arts, three in the Dance Arts and three in the Healing Arts.

The workshop will be hosted at the Winona Friendship Center with discussion, demonstration, and practice.  A shortened Nia class will be included in the workshop.

Nia has three martial arts movement forms incorporated in the practice.  We’ll learn about the three martial arts in Nia: Tai’ Chi, Tae Kwan Do, and Aikido.  We learn how some movement is mindful and deliberate, some movements move with precision and power, and some create circular, harmonious movement. We’ll bring this learning into a shortened Nia class. No dance experience needed. Everybody welcome

Nia is a pleasure based movement practice.  By listening to one's body, we move with pleasure and move to heal the body when healing is needed.  Through the martial arts we create strength, agility, precision as well as movement that is fluid, mindful, balanced, flowing, peaceful and powerful.

Winona Friendship Center,
251 Main St, Winona, MN 55987

$5.50 members
$8.25 non-members
To register, call (507) 454-5212.

Sign up today and learn more about the moving your body in the joy of movement!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Reminders of the Season of Joy

Some things happen in December that are challenging for me to feel glad about such as excess spending, excess eating and drinking.

And then I remind myself to put my attention to things that bring me joy.

This is one: colored lights.  And there is lots of dark to let them shine in the joy.

The Harp Circle preforming at Wesley United Methodist Church.  My friend, Kathie is tucked in on the left side.

Stained glass windows shining--this time it is sun shining in!  And that I am thankful for in December.

Ice skating at levee park.  Look another day of sun!

Eisley, a little snow princess.
She greets me in the early morning and loves making art.

Trees waving their branches.

Find the magic; it is there.  We need to take another look sometimes.

Find the Nia magic on the dance floor of the Friendship Center on Wednesdays 4:00pm or Thursdays at 4:30 - 5:05pm Moving to Heal Nia and 5:10 -6:00pm Classic Nia.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Bringing Peace to Healing Pain

Mind Fog, and Growing Stronger No Matter What

 Brown eyed Susans

Today, I’m awakening with numbness is my right forearm and an ache through my body.  Lots of mornings lately, I’ve been moving slowly with some sort of pain.  At times the pain was so debilitating that I just wanted to lie down and try to escape.  At other times, I learned that when I got moving, the pain would reduce. Some of the huge challenge with the pain is the mind fog that comes with it.  When the body is screaming about pain, it is very challenging to focus on other topics.  

Here are a few things that I’ve been working with to manage pain this summer.  I’ve used soothing music to listen to in the night when I would awaken and could not sleep due to pain.  The music softly and gently floated me back into sleep.  I would plug in my ear buds to keep the music helping me and let my sweetheart still have his sweet repose.

Last night, I felt a deep numbness and pain in my upper arm nerves.  I would have reacted to this in the past with anger and a feeling of “Why do I have so much pain all the time?”  Last night instead, I was able to image being wrapped up tight in a blanket—and the blanket was physical and had the energy of love.  Those thoughts soothed me back into sleep.

I have used healing meditations from Kris Carr.  Her positive voice and energy along with being calm and reassuring that my body was healing and taking care of me was very affirming. 

I have used positive self-talk.  When I would find myself saying disparaging words to myself, I would say, “Cancel, clear,” and then say two positive things that were true such as “My cats love me,” and “The sun is shining in my heart.” That one came a lot when the sun was not shining.

I have a movement practice called Nia that I use to help manage pain and anything that comes up in my body.  This practice also uses music to move in ways to pleasure changing the movement, if it causes pain. Another practice in Nia is 5 Stages of Healing. 

 The 1st Stage involves rolling and moving lying on the ground or carpet softly moving your arms and legs like you are a swimming embryo. Moving on your side, belly, back are all stage one.  

Stage two is creeping—move to the belly and the elbow bends to the knee on one side of the body as the other side is long. Then the long side becomes short with elbow to knee and the other side becomes lengthened.  One alternates this move.

Stage three is crawling on hands and knees.

Stage four is turning the toes under then lifting the torso to a squat.

Stage five is walking

At any point, one may go back to the previous stage or earlier stage.The stages are done for as short or long a time as desired.  One may do them with in silence or with quiet music.

Nia is a somatic practice to use the mind to direct the movements for the greatest ease, alignment, and pleasure.  Injury is a great teacher about how alignment works and how to use the mind to ease the healing. Nia is a pleasure based practice.

I teach Classic Nia and Nia Moving to Heal at the Winona Friendship Center.

Classic Nia Wednesdays 4:00- 5:00pm
                    Thursdays 5:10-6:00pm

Moving to Heal Nia  Thurdays 4:30-5:05pm

Mind and body are so connected.  Let them share the love to help heal and feel better.

[This pain and mind fog was the result of an accident on a bicycle that I had earlier in the summer 2018, when I was thrown off the bike and broke my elbow.  Read here to learn more details about the healing through injury, part I, if interested. The body has an amazing capacity for healing.  Sometimes it seems a slow process.  Easy and gentle works well and compassion for ourselves can work miracles.]

Sunday, January 14, 2018

A New Year 2018 for Movement and Dance

As I ever explore how to feel more alive, I dance and play.  Nia is my practice that brings great joy to my being.  Nia is made up of three groupings of movement. And within each movement grouping are three parts.  In the Dance portion are aspects of Modern Dance, Jazz Dance and Duncan Dance.  In the martial arts portion there are T'ai chi, Tae kwon do and Aikido.  In the healing arts portion there is Moshe Feldenkrais, the Alexander Technique and Yoga.

I found this article about Feldenkrais to be something to ponder.  Hope this brings you some insight in your own movement.

Move better, feel better, be better in 2018 with the Feldenkrais Method

  • November 30, 2017|
  • By Carole Bucher, BA | Reno Feldenkrais Integrative Movement


Increasing body awareness can help update your "brain map"--so you're move alert and connected.  If you've heard lately that increasing your body-awareness increases brain power, this article will tell you more about it.

Basically, awareness strengthens your neural pathways, and your nervous system updates your ​“brain map”​ — so you’re more alert and connected to yourself, brain and body.

Body-awareness means being in your body more intentionally: sensing where you are in space, how you move and feel, and being more present and mindful. This gives you amazing, wide-reaching results.

Studies actually show that you unlock​ creativity, increase​​ self-confidence, and boost productivity and well being; you feel more relaxed and effective, and can communicate and relate better. All this starts to happen naturally when you pay more attention to your body, movement habits and patterns.

Here’s how to start the process,​ but remember — reading won’t ​ change a thing​. You actually have to DO it to become more aware and get the benefits. So here you go!
​First, notice what you already know about yourself​ and ​your movement. If you’re not sure, make your best guess, then check it out:

  • Which foot do you start on when you walk?
  • Do you always use the same hand to open a door, scroll through your phone or use your mouse?
  • Do you feel your back or bottom when ​you ​sit ​down or ​drive?
  • Which leg/foot do you stand on more?
  • Whe​n you walk, do you look at the horizon,​ or toward​ ​the ground or sky?

Intentionally noticing​ what you do with yourself is ​simple, fun and, hopefully, non-judgmental. Best of all, it activates body-awareness, and you can start right here, right now: you’ve already got everything you need — you don’t even have to buy special clothes!

The very cool part is as soon as you start noticing yourself like this, you turn your awareness switch ON! You’re paying attention to yourself in a new and different way; you’ve taken the first steps on an exciting and transformative path, no matter what your age or condition.

Throughout 2018, we’ll focus on something special every month to wake up the brain, improve movement, feel better in our bodies and help us to be more vital, creative and aware human BE-ings in everything we do. Have a great holiday! See you in the New Year!

Carole Bucher, BA, is a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais practitioner/teacher and owner of Reno Feldenkrais Integrative Movement. Visit to learn more. 

This article can be seen directly on-line Healthy Beginnings at Move Better, Feel Better, Be Better in 2018 with the Feldenkrais Method.

 If you're curious about how more movement in your life may bring you more joy and energy, come to one of my Nia classes.  Or type in your own location and find a Nia class near you.

Here's to more joy in 2018.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Nia Another Perspective

Why men who do Nia, do Nia - Jason Alan Griffin (JAG) interview 

by Fred Bass

This lovely video of Nia from the perspective of a man is rich with insight.  Take a listen, if you’re curious about Nia as a man or a woman.



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