Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Flow to Your True Home

The Brook, The Creek, The River Flow


The water of the brook sings a song of joy as it flows

It has a conversation that only it can understand,

or perhaps a grasshopper at the edge of the brook

can understand

scratching its legs

it seems to nod in agreement to the brook.











The creek tinkles

like bells that a nearby fairy can hear.

The creek dances on the

banks and splashes and plays.


The river moves slowly

continuing toward the sea. It says,

“I am too sleepy to hurry or create such chatter.”

Then it flows down a hill

and starts to pick up speed and finds its


A soft roar at first,

growing more steady as it caresses boulders and rocks.

A chatter of jubilation as it twists and turns

knowing that the sea is its true home.

                                         MaryLee Eischen April 2022

Where is your true home?

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Update of the 100 Day Project

 The 100 Day Project is a post daily for 100 days about a piece of art that I'm creating.  Some are watercolors, some are my fiber work, some have my poetry included and some have other poets words that I love.

#12/100 Spread love everywhere you go. Mother Teresa

#36/100 "The Heart that Loves is Always Young." Greek Proverb













#37/100 Playing with left over paint.


#38/100 Watercolors and Words

#39/100 My words and stitching on Two Friends art quilt

#17/100--one of the missed days posted with a Walt Whitman poem.













#40/100 "Our way of listening deeply to each other makes everything feel of little lighter." Part of a pose poem by MaryLee Eischen

#41/100 "I'm here to live out loud." Emile Zola

#42/100 "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the Life You've Imagined." Thoreau

#43/100 Auditioning through for an art quilt

#44/100 "The  river moves slowly continuing to the sea." MaryLee Eischen 4/11/2022 Part of a longer poem

#45/100 "Come close, can you hear?" MaryLee Eischen

#46/100 "The water of the brook sings a song..." MaryLee Eischen

#47/100 Hafiz poem

#48/100 "Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable." Mary Oliver

#49/100 "Just a minute," said a voice in the weeds. So I stood still in the day's exquisite early morning light." Mary Oliver

#50/100 "The water of the brook sings a song of joy..." MaryLee Eischen April 2022

#51/100 Thick Nhat Hanh poem

#52/100 Let's Grow Together"

#53/100 Earth Day 2022

#54/100 Rumi poem

#55/100 Eye or heart?

#56/100  "You are YOUR best thing." Toni Morrison

#57/100 The magic is inside YOU!" Dolly Parton

#58/100 Togare poem

#59/100 "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.  On a quiet day I hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy

#60/100  "Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf." Tagore

At the beginning of this project, February 2022, I started a tree of projects that I wanted to complete.

Here's the tree completed:


 It's play and serious thoughts of my art all at once.  It's fun and stimulating.  If you'd like to follow along, I'm on 

Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/mleischen/?hl=en

These show up on facebook too: https://www.facebook.com/marylee.eischen

Here's to firing up creativity in oh so many different ways!


You can see the beginning of the project and the first days posts here: The 100 Day Project.


Join me!








Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Body & Mind Growing


My body is moving through time in a faster motion than I can keep up with.  This 63 years is a strange sensation of new possibilities and also aches, pains, and a need to double down on my self-care.

I’ve been a person who has loved to be outside and active.  I’m a bike rider, a dancer, a walker and a hiker.  I like going to the gym to do fitness classes as well.











When I got into going to the YMCA, I wanted to get my daughter involved in fun and active things. She had different ideas and that idea for her did not stick.  But it did for me.  I didn’t think that I could do Pilates—I didn’t have the core strength.  And then I tried it.  It was challenging, but my teacher encouraged me to do it in my own way and my abdomen, arms and legs grew stronger.  It is today one of my favorite exercises to build core strength, balance, and connect in with my body to feel what she needs.

Twelve years ago, I learned about Nia—a fusion movement/fitness practice that involves dance arts, martial arts and healing arts.  We move to fun music with the intention to feel better every time after we dance.  It is a somatic practice that involves the mind and the body to sense pleasure and pain in the body.  By adjusting the movement, we can bring more pleasure to how we move.  And with the pleasure, we desire to do it again and again.  Because Nia is designed for every Body, all the variations work well for a beginning person doing Nia to an advanced athlete.








Some of the friends who dance Nia at the Friendship Center: 

front row: Barbi, Kathleen, Anne; back-row, MaryLee, Diana, Mary, Leanne, Kathie


Twelve years ago, I was much more uptight about my body shape.  Lots of my body parts I did not like. My hips were too wide, my belly was too soft. My feet looked weird.  I liked my arms and back—they were thin and wiry like I wanted my whole body.  I wanted the look of a boy; though I would not have admitted that then. I am a woman and those curves and softness will always be with me.  Lots of voices in my head were shaming to me.  As I change that internal narrative and grow to accept my body just as she is, I grow to enjoy who I am in the world and what I do in the world.  I grow to have appreciation for all the things my body could do instead of looking so critically at just how one part looks to the outside world.

Coming to the present moment, I am still growing in love and appreciation for my body and her changing ways.  I am growing my strength to counter osteoporosis with weight training through Barre classes.  This is new to me.  I am hiking more to be out in the beauty of nature and found a friend who loves this as much as I.  We spur each other on to keep going and we have a great time together.  I’m making new friends at the YMCA.

I teach Nia and Pilates classes for me and to pass to others this love of growing a strong body.  When I look in the mirror and instead of criticizing the wrinkles on my face and neck—I choose to say thank you face and neck for your abilities to sense—see, hear, smell, taste and speak your truth. Most of the time--I can still be very judgemental of myself. Here's what Diana shared with her friends about Nia:

"I’m not an expert, I’m clumsy on my feet, But I feel like a “butterfly” lots of times and it relaxes me so much."

It is a dramatic shift in connection with me and the world.  It is an ever changing landscape in the aging process.  I extend my hand to you.  Let’s walk together in this time on the Earth.  Join me in this conversation or moving more in your own life for health and wellness.

You’re invited to join me for Nia classes currently on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Iron Bluff Fitness and the Winona Friendship Center:

Tuesdays, Iron Bluff Fitness: 8am – 8:45am Classic Nia through May 24, 2022

Iron Bluff Fitness is located in the Winona Mall. Check their website for all they have to offer along a variety of fitness classes.

Tuesdays, Winona Friendship Center: 11am - Noon Classic Nia

Thursdays, Winona Friendship Center: 3:00pm -3:45pm Moving to Heal Nia,a gentler form of Nia

                                                                       4:00pm – 5:00pm Classic Nia

The Winona Friendship Center is located in downtown Winona at 251 Main St. Classes cost $3.00 for members and $5.25 for non-members. 

Call about membership or with any questions: 507 454-5212. 







Another invitation: 

Pilates classes on Wednesday evening:

Wednesdays, WK Gym: 6:15pm – 7:00pm Mat Pilates

WK Gymnasium, 365 Mankato Ave, Winona, MN 55987

Drop in classes are available for the current session for $10.00 per class.  Next 5 week session starts early May through Community Education, Pilates for Everyone, Section 4 to register and find out more.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Celebrating Friendships and Nia











We held a Nia Jam at Lark Toys, Happiness Event Center in Kellogg, Minnesota. Five Nia teachers Kathy, Sandra, Uma, MaryLee and Jacque came together to lead friends through a movement practice to listen to music and move to the music, enjoy and move the thirteen major joints of the body.

Miranda, Sandra and Uma, three of the teachers chatting together.

Uma leading her songs in the dance.  Back to us are Kathy, another teacher and Sandra.

Katie and Heather danced with us.


Miranda and Jacque both Nia teachers making faces and having fun!












Afterward we had some wonderful food at Lark and sharing in stories and catching up with each other's lives. We took some time to look at llamas and shop for amazing toys, gifts, clothing, and books. 



Mary Lee one of the Nia teachers.











Winnie & Ron 











Beautiful artwork on display along with a beautiful wooden carved carousel that children and adults can ride.


What an amazing a wonderful time to share.  Visit Lark Toys soon!


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