Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Baby Birds


What are these baby starlings doing in an old bicycle basket from our garage, you may be wondering?  Here's the story: on the west side of our house we have some vinyl siding that had an unusual bowing out.  It concerned us and then we heard some peeping.  Bob saw the parents flying in and out of a small opening.  Oh,oh, we have baby birds that are not supposed to be growing behind our siding.

Bob did some research and found out that they could be moved if we provided another nest for them.  We've all heard the old tale about not to  touch  baby birds or the parents would abandon them.  We hoped that would not be the case; we needed to get those little birds out from behind the siding.

Slowly and carefully we took the siding off the house, labeling each piece to allow us ease to put it back up. There was lots of nesting material crammed in a very small space.

Here's some of the nesting material on the top of our recycling bin.  Behind it is an old bird feeder that we thought may work as their new nest/home.

We put the babies in an ice cream bucket and one fly out.  Bob had to go all over the garage to find that agile little thing.  The front bird feeder was too small.  We put them in this bike basket that we'd been using as a glove holder.

Bob went up to get more siding off the house and found one more bird.  That make a total of 5 baby birds.


We tied their new nest next to our utility pole and put a rice bag made of burlap over most of the top with room for the parents to come and feel them.  After we got the ladders put away and left the area the parents came back to feed the birds.


Here's a parent bringing some food.

The parent would land on the edge and hop inside bringing food--feed one, two, more and then fly off.  This happened over and over again.  Quite amazing.  I'm so glad they came back to care for the little ones.  

Do you have any bird stories to share?

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tulip Beauty







A neighborhood walk and so many tulips are blooming.


Here's a whole yard of them.

Look deep into the throat of the tulip.  Do you see black inside?  It is really a deep purple masquerading as black!

Beside the house are a few more tulips in a bed of bluebells.

These tulips were brought inside before a frost.  So much color and life to light up our days when it is grey outside.

This one got knocked down in the spring clean up.

A little two tone color beauty.

Some daffodils and tulips ready to bloom.

Deep in the throat, dark purple and a thin line of yellow on these rich red tulips.  Breathe in the spring air.  It is fine.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Blooming Cherry Trees


The cherry trees, the gift from our sister city in Japan have been beautiful this spring. This picture was taken on Sunday, 4/18/2021. 








They look like they're raising their arms/branches in glory! Photo: 4/13/2021








Here's a view of them across the lake on April 8th.













A close up of the blooms. Let your heart sing with this natural pink color.






Monday, April 12, 2021

National Poetry Month


In honor of the 25th Anniversary of National Poetry Month, April 2021, Poets.org is giving away this poster as a free download or to be ordered for a donation.  This poster was created by a 12th grade student, Bao Lu from Edward R. Murrow High School in Brooklyn, New York with lines by Poet Laureate, Joy Harjo.

Today, I have a poem for you in honor of National Poetry Month and in honor of Breeze on my Skin. 


The Breeze at Dawn
by Rumi translated by Coleman Barks

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.

Don't go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.

Don't go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill

where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.

Don't go back to sleep.





Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Ice, Hurrying, and Time Moving into Spring









February 21, 2021 Bluffside Trails near Holzinger Lodge

Do you remember the frozen cold of February in the Upper Midwest?  It was very cold and snowy.  I still got out and walked and hiked with good friends or solo.  And then it began to change.  It got warmer.  There were warm days and freezing nights.  The melting snow created some icy conditions on sidewalks and road ways.

So, here’s the story of how hurrying to get somewhere was not a good idea for me.  It was February 24th and I was making a plan with my friend, Rosemary to take a walk across the East Lake in Winona—the Big Lake.  I was excited; I had never walked across the frozen lake before—though friends have and some friends swore never to do such a crazy act.

On my scurry to get to my friend’s house, I slipped on the ice and went down on my right/dominant palm near my wrist. (I don’t blame this on lack of balance—my balance is good; or on my age or any such nonsense. I was in too big of a hurry to pay attention to the conditions.  No more.) 

The fall hurt like crazy, but I could move all of my fingers and could move my arm—I decided that I was ok and I kept going.  I met my friend and we walked across that big lake on a most beautiful morning. Imagine sunlight on a line of bluffs—there were pinks and blues shining on the bluffs. We chatted and had a grand time. When I came home, called my friend who gave me some good advice about icing it and resting, and taking some Ibuprofen.








When Bob got back from work in the late afternoon, he suggested going to Urgent Care to have them take a look—there are a lot of bones in the hand, he said.  I asked if he’d join me and we went together to get me checked over.  When the physician and her assistant saw the swelling and the pain I had to move the wrist, they ordered an X-ray with an idea that it was broken.  The X-ray confirmed their thoughts.  They put a huge splint on my arm all the way up to the elbow.  Not again—my elbow had been broken in a biking accident in 2018; she did not appreciate this lack of movement. (Read about bringing peace to healing pain and Healing injury through time.)

Bob was scheduled to ski the American Birkenbeiner Race for Friday, 2/26/2021.  He suggested that he not go.  I said, no to that idea.  I was not in that much pain; and he’d trained for months.  He had to go.  And when he was convinced that I’d be ok; he did go. (I had not even seen the surgeon yet to know the next step.)

Our community came in with gifts of food, cards, and so much love.  Thank you to LeAnn, Kim, Kathie, Anne, Mary, Colleen, Greg, Jenni, Carolyn, Lynne, and so many more.  We live in a loving community.  I feel so blessed.

Bob stayed overnight on Thursday, 2/25/2021, at Bill and Kim’s lodge near the race in Cable, Wisconsin.  He skied on Friday, February 26, 4 hours and then drove home to check in on me that evening.  I was home.  It was nice to see him. 

3/1/2021 Bob and I went to see the Surgeon, Dr. Millis. He ordered a CT scan and after looking at the results, he said that the break in my radius bone was about a ½ centimeter.  He recommended surgery to put a plate in.  The plate would secure the bones to grow together in alignment.  The healing would be quicker.  I agreed to the surgery.  It was scheduled for Thursday, 3/4/2021. Before that I needed to get checked that I was healthy for surgery and did not have COVID 19.

On Tuesday, 3/2/21 I checked healthy to have surgery and had a negative COVID 19 test. The surgery was two days later.  The operating team of nurses, anesthetists, and doctors was amazingly kind, thorough and worked so well together for my benefit.  I felt held by some amazing humans.  Bob took me to get all of my pain medications and then off to rest.  It was a time of lots of sleeping or being awoken to take more pain medication and then back to sleeping.  And this time I was able to sleep and rest well.

During my healing, I couldn’t use my right hand—yup, the hand that I use to make art, write, and chop veggies was “on vacation.”  I had to learn in a big way to ask for help.  And I couldn’t drive.   “Bob will you put a plastic bag on my arm to take a shower?” Will you help me set a timer to take meds? Will you make us food? Will you take me downtown?"  Bob was gracious.  I learned it was good to have my voice heard and ask for help.  I also continued to write and paint with my left hand.  In fact, I took a weekend painting workshop and painted all weekend with my left hand.













Top: left hand writing; Bottom: right hand writing












Fiery Lolita with Mary Lee

Luckily a couple of weeks later, 3/15/2021, I had X-rays taken again, the doctor looked at them and gave me a good report that the wrist and thumb were healing well.  They would take the permanent cast off and have a removable cast in its place.  And that is allowing exercises for the hand and wrist, and typing like I am doing now.  Flexibility is coming—on so slowly.  I think this week we’re beginning strength work with my Occupational Therapist.  Those exercises are painful and worth every bit of it to get my wrist back into complete movement.  Another thing that I’m doing is dancing NIA.  Ahhhhhhh, that feels so good.  Pleasure all the way.

On 3/16/2021 Kim came over and put henna in my hair. Oh, the touch on my head; the tender way that she cared for me.  It felt so good.  We wore masks to stay safe.

Now I’m working with an OT, Holly, and she is doing a great job with me.  Kyann reached out to me as well and sent me exercises that I could begin with to get the healing moving forward.  I do the exercises three times a day and then elevate the arm and place ice on the wrist/hand.  It’s a practice in self care and patience.  I’ve cried a couple times at the utter feeling of helplessness.  When I think of how quickly I could do something before, I remind myself that I’m in the middle of a healing cycle.  I remind myself that my body healed from a much more involved situation in 2018.  I send my wrist and hand love and Reiki multiple times per day.










Here's to healing and warmth and new growth.


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