Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Finding Hope



How does one find hope in dark times?  What does hope look like?  Feel like? Smell like? Taste like?  Some say that the arts can lift us out of despair with the sweetness of a song, the melody of a poem, the movement of a dance, the beauty of a painting.  I’ve gathered some sayings that feel like hope to me.  And some small paintings with words that may give you hope.












Be strong,

go with your heart,

and believe in miracles because anything…

anything can happen.

                                     Marlo Javidando











I am beginning to

learn that it is the sweet,

simple things of life

which are the real one

after all.        

                    Laura Ingalls Wilder












I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge,

That myth is more potent than history,

That dreams are more powerful than facts,

That hope always triumphs over experience,

That laughter is the only cure for grief

And I believe that love is stronger than death.                

                                             Robert L. Fulghum













As long as one

keeps searching,

the answers come.                                  

                Joan Baez










It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers,

but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a

great desire forever beating to the door of our hearts

as we travel toward our distant goal.       

                                                              Helen Keller










Blaze with the fire that is never extinguished.                         

                                                             Luisa Sigea










The way to know

life is to love

many things.                                

                Vincent Van Gogh













Life delights

in Life.                      

         William Blake














I have found that if you love life,

life will love your right back.            

                             Arthur Rubenstein 


May these little watercolor paintings on mine give you hope along with the statements shared here.  May the sun warm your face.  May a smile brighten your spirit. May you feel blessed.  If you or someone you know, can not find hope, there are crisis resources available.

1-800-273-8255 is the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

You text 741741 when in crisis, available 24/7 in the United States. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds quickly.  The Crisis text line is confidential.
Crisis Volunteers only know what texters share with them, and that information stays between you, unless sharing it with emergency services is absolutely necessary for your safety.










Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Walking in the Winter Air


At the beginning of January, we were getting some frosty hillsides. Take a close look at the branches and notice the long spines of white.  Spines?  Nope, rime frost.  Rime frost happens in areas of dense fog and the liquid is super cooled before it comes in contact with a surface--that's why it looks like spines.  This is formed in the fog and cold.  Hoar frost is similar to dew and forms on cold, clear nights.  The rime frost created some beautiful crystals.

Little bird feeder with rime frost.

Purple coneflowers and grasses in my prairie yard.

Giant yellow hyssop in the prairie.



Walking across the river is full of interesting sites.

The wind can be a bit chilly.  My pace moves swiftly.  

The day started with lots of grey.  Beautiful and I need to work to keep my spirits happy.

At the end of the afternoon, the sun began to peek between the clouds.  The day feels warm.

River walk

That sky makes me happy.

Social distance walks with friends on Holzinger Trails.

A little snow creation

My friend, Dawn hugging her favorite tree.  Where do you like to walk, hike, snowshoe, ski?  Hope you get to out to be in the fresh air soon.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Industrious Octopus

I decided to make this little sweet stitchery for my friend, June.




I bought this little stitchery/embroidery kit from Jovy Rockey Gallery and Studio in December.  


Here's the octopus embroidered with a bit of the red thread started.  This kit is from Hook, Line and Tinker from Nova Scotia.


 Let's take a peek at the back:



Next I decided to add a red and blue border. I finished the red border on December 22, 2020.



I trimmed off the extra red bits and then sewed on the blue border.

 I decided on the final size and sewed the batting and backing on the little quilt.  I decided to added some machine quilting too.  Here's the finished piece, front and back.



My friend was delighted at the whimsy and the fun of this little piece.

Jovy's gallery is closed for the month of January. Jovy Rockey Jewelry is available for online orders. Watch for her gallery reopening in February with more to delight the eye and fill your world with joy and wonder.



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