Tuesday, November 19, 2019

White Belt Training with Winalee Zeeb

Take a step into a deeper relationship with yourself.  Be a sensation scientist for five days.  Go to a Nia White Belt training with Winalee Zeeb.

Nine years ago, I took my first White Belt training with this amazing teacher and trainer.  Winalee teaches with truth and humor and delight.  She is clear and she shares with her whole heart.

We learned 13 Principles in the Nia White Belt.  In Principle 7, we learned about the Planes of Movement and Intensity Levels and how to vary our movement from low, middle or high and change our intensity levels for our own  personal conditioning of our body.  Our learning was not only in lecture format, but moving our body to bring the knowledge in as a somatic practice.

 At the end of the day of intensive training, we got to dance!  Using imagery and fantastic music, we would move our bodies. Winalee guided our imagination to surfing or paddling on a paddle board during one of the songs in the cool down cycle.  And everyone had their own expression of that movement for themselves.

We had friends from the Minneapolis/St Paul come to share and refresh their learning.

Mary Lee, Winalee, and Beth after class on Saturday.

I connected with a new friend, Dawn Bliss!
We danced strength.
 We ate great food to keep our energy strong. 
On the last day, we all took a carousel ride.

Kathie Geiger

Karen Magedanz

The Sista's, Katy Anthony and Jennifer Breitlow

Winalee Zeeb, Trainer and Miranda Gray-Burlingame, Owner Lark Toys

Kathy Gray, Owner Lark Toys

Jacque Paulsen,  Producer

Esther Piszczek and Jacque Paulsen

We each received a white belt, a certificate, and gifts from Winalee

When all was completed, we had graduation and threw our belts into the air in joy.  

The last day, Miranda taught a Nia class inviting Jacque and I to join her in teaching.  Some friends and Winalee from the White Belt training were able to stay and dance along with members of the community including owner, Ron Gray,  It was a magical way to close the day and the training for me.

Mary Lee & Jacque

Join us for a Nia class near you.  Go to the Nia website, click the tab that says classes or trainings to find a class or training near you. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Autumn Walks to the River

When the sun is shining on an Autumn day, there is a feeling in my being of great joy.  We've had lots of rain and cloudy weather this year.  I'm still hoping for lots of sun into the change of the season.

                                                            Trees are near the YMCA  

                                Quite happy jack-o-lanterns getting ready for Halloween.
                                            Kicking leaves--a favorite autumn activity.

     A dancer filled with joy? A bird on the wing?  What do you see?

    Headphones to hear a story as I check out all the beauty around the Mississippi River.

                                         Trees showing off all their color before they let go.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Some of my earliest art quilts were from the natural world of fern leaves. I created three art quilts for the seasons of Spring, Summer and Autumn. Here are a few still available.

Spring Fern Series
Shield Fern Leaf

Spring Fern Series
Interrupted Fern Leaf

The irregular hand stitching shows on the back that gives an organic quality to the art.

Summer Fern Series
Interrupted Fern Leaf

Summer Fern Series
Lady Fern Leaf

Fall Fern Series
Interrupted Fern Leaf

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Full Moon Shining

In this time of transition of work, I'm reclaiming time in the art studio.  I've just finished up a long term substitute teaching assignment.  I was working in a special education room with three other lovely teachers and many children flowing in and out through the day.

I had small groupings of students and each set had lessons that I gave each day.  Most of the students were third and fourth graders. I went into one student's first grade classroom to give support.

I grew to love those students and the flow of the schedule.  It was mornings Monday through Friday. I had my last day with them a week ago.  Now, each day as a substitute teacher could be in Middle School special education, physical education or teaching English Language Learners--and yes, I did all of those roles last week!

I have to have my agility and flexibility pants pulled on. 

And here's an art quilt  that just went to the Lanesboro Arts Center in Lanesboro, Minnesota.

Acrylic painted on muslin with machine stitching. The paint is metallic and that gives a shine to the art.

 Close up detail

The back of the quilt.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Artist Date

Take a little time to be oneself to look at art.  It is to refresh and to be inspired. Make time for an Artist Date.  My date included exploring the village of Lanesboro.

 The Lanesboro Arts Center is filled with wonderful art.  A breath of fresh air.

 It's a great place to ride a bicycle or cross country ski.

A few boutiques and places to have a bite to eat.  Lanesboro, Minnesota is a lovely place to explore.


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