Sunday, March 25, 2018

Amaliya's Quilt

My daughter had her 35th birthday on Friday.  Wow, amazing and wonderful and I can't believe that time goes by so quickly.

She's been asking for a quilt, gentle suggestions or requests since she turned 30 year.  I thought this was the time to get one created for her. Its made up of colors and designs that I thought she would like and appreciate and ones that I chose for color and softness.

The size is 52" x 66".  It is called "Fly and Soar."  It is made with all cotton fabrics that I stitched together and machine quilted the three layers together.  I finished it on 3/23/2018.  She'll receive this gift of love on Sunday.

Here are the top and bottom of the quilt before it was quilted with the batting in the middle:

My studio space is rather small.  To the left off this picture is my sewing machine and to the right is the ironing board.  The lay out table has two arms to make it larger or smaller depending on need for size.  When the table is full size, I have to squeeze around the table.  My sewing machine table also has an extension table to allow for quilting larger pieces.

Some pins to hold pieces in alignment.

Sewing the tiny berries in the middle section.  I call this machine drawing.

Back of the quilt with the quilting creating a design.

 The hand embroidery was on an old dress of mine that I up-cycled for this quilt.

Lots of good work and love in creating this quilt.

 Quilt detail

Back quilting detail

I love you, Amaliya Rose.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

In the Space Between, and Interactive Art Installation by Sharon Mansur

The art installation was created and enacted at WSU Watkins Gallery.  There were hours for viewing and additional hours to interact in the installation to add  or subtract to the art.  Students, children, community members came to join in the expression.

I went one afternoon after the interactive time and took a birds eye view above as Sharon led her modern dance students in a creative session.

I came back a few days later on one snowy evening, February 23.  This time I got to play too!

 The lip stick colors were very fun to draw with.

Sarah Johnson was playing at the exhibit that evening as well and decorated the elevator.  Sharon did a dance for joy in the space spinning and spinning.

Find out more about  Sharon Mansur and her upcoming events, check out her website:

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Finding Flowers in a Midwest Winter

The snowy and icy terrain of the Minnesota winter can feel a bit bleak on a colorful spirit.  What about locating some flowers to take in their beauty and fragrance to refresh and renew.  We traveled this past weekend to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chanhassen, Minnesota for their Fragrances of Spring, the Essence of Paradise show happening now through February 28th.

And a kaleidoscope of shapes.  Hmmm, let spring and warmth come to Minnesota.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Artist Date in Lanesboro, Minnesota

Last Saturday, January 27th was a warm winter day in Minnesota.  I traveled to Lanesboro to pick up some art prints, from the Lanesboro Arts Center, to use with my art students.  And it became what Julia Cameron would call an "Artist Date." An artist date is an activity done solo to look at art, be in nature, or do something to fill up on beauty and breathe in the good air and see new things.

I took a few pictures around this beautiful little town located on the Root River.

I took a walk up a steep hill to the golf course and found some ice along the way to crack.  Oh, that is one of my favorite things to do!  Crazy, but oh so fun!

Can you see the water trickling under that thin sliver of ice?  The water was running all over, tickling and rushing.  I could see it and hear it. Mmmmm, sensations of lusciousness every where.

Here's the road I walked up and down.

"It's Your Planet; Love It! "
These benches were all over down town made by the girl scouts.

"I only want to see you dancing in the purple rain." Prince

I found some delicious coffee at a natural foods grocery on the corner of Coffee St and Parkway.

And a delicious turkey sandwich at the Pastry Shoppe.

"You're the strangest person I ever met, she said & I said you too & we decided we'd know each other a long time." Brian Andreas, Story People.

Commonweal Theatre Company, fine professional theatre--amazing productions.

St. Mane Theatre, part of the Lanesboro Arts Center complex.

Black Crow Art Gallery  
Val is making a basket and lining.

It was a day filled with love.  And it did fill up my well to nurture my artist self.  How do you fill up your creative self?  Leave a comment below.  I'd love to hear from you.


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