Showing posts with label Summertime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summertime. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Art of Fine Furniture Goes to Rochester, Minnesota

Bird Cabinet by Linda Sue Eastman 

Join artists and friends for an opening reception of the Art of Fine Furniture in Rochester, Minnesota,  on August 19 at 1-3pm at Cascade Meadow Wetlands and Environmental Science Center, 2900 19th St. NW, Rochester. 

"The Art of Fine Furniture," an exhibit of studio furniture creations by artists from Minnesota and Wisconsin, which has been showing at the Winona History Center through the summer 2017 and will open Saturday, August 19th at Cascade Meadow Wetlands and Environmental Science Center, 2900 19th St. NW, Rochester.  Additional fine art will be part of this show, according to Jamie Schell.

It was a bit of synchronicity that I got to see this show--it was extended one week.  And just as I was looking, my friend, Mary Alice came by and told me that I could open the doors on the jewelry cases.  Oh, how amazing to see all the intricacy that Mark Laub used with his design.

I appreciate  his statement, "Once inside, this piece reaffirms that, as in all life, true beauty lies within."   

This show is filled with true beauty.  I have great appreciation for seeing all of this fine art.  Thank you Jamie Schell and all of the artists in this show.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Musing in August

The morning light over the Mississippi river today was so lovely.  The sun was up, a bit hidden behind some clouds and creating this pink light.  The breeze was blowing and the birds seemed to be delighting in the air and light as well.

 Movement is one of the things that feeds my being.  Lately, in my Nia classes, we've been dancing a routine called Deep Dive created by Winalee Zeeb.  It is all about flow and water as life.

Here's part of the path that I walk or I run.  I'm playing with the idea of running.  I remember how much fun it was as a kid.  Now, it is more a half hearted attempt.  I love to take pictures along the way and stop and feel the breeze or look at the water.  Maybe it is really a whole hearted way to walk/run.

I walk off the dike, passed the marina, and then on Hamilton.  It is being upgraded and I've feared for my friend's flowers on the corner of Hamilton and 4th.  She was so brave and talked with the construction people and told them that these flowers were from her mother and her grandmother and give many people great joy.  They agreed to work with her.  She moved some flowers and they moved carefully on her boulevard.

It rained last night and the leaves were filled with water.  When the breeze blew, it sent a little blessing all over me and the land.  I breathe in the day and I'm grateful.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Up North

Here are my friends who I've known since the 70's.  Lyn, Inge, Karen, and I are sporting our 'Life is Good' t-shirts.  We're a team of friends.

 The roses smell so sweet.

 Cats and hummingbirds welcome here.

Karen and Oscar, her very relaxed cat.

 Lake Superior in the distance.


Gathering with friends and going up North to Lake Superior is a welcome respite. 
Gratitude for friendships long and deep and natural beauty.


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